Sunday, October 19, 2008

Confession Number Fifty-Five

I must confess...

... that I am happy but sad that the show I was a part of is over. It is kind of like a :-/ face.

I am so relieved that now I will be able to have a normal schedule and will be more free to do other things. This show has taken up my life for the past six weeks. (Wow. I can't believe we put a show together in six weeks. Professional schedule for a high school show anyone? Yeah. We did.)

The show was soooo good. I absolutely loved it. Our cast did a fantastic job and at our last show, the total number of people that cried was 52 I think. (Our Production Stage Manager was in the light booth and was counting the people that would bring their hand up to their face.) And I loved working with the crew. I have had so many good times with the crew members. Ahhh! I love everyone!

I am going to miss hanging out with everyone so much! I will especially miss the conversations we had over our headsets.... farting in public, familial realtionships among the crew, laughing at the cast, and so many more!

On Saturday, the two other stage managers and I got together and made a special cake for the cast and crew. They loved it. And so did we! It was so fun to make! Here are some pictures...

I absolutely loved my experience with this show! And now I expect to be blogging more! WOO-HOO!

1 comment:

deelirious said...

I was one of that 52! :)